My Busy Life

Monday, August 28, 2006
Bedtime Rituals

From the entry's title itself, you probably think I'd write about how mommy gives me my night time bath, read me stories and lull me to sleep. You're definitely mistaken because my bedtime routines, or rituals as I'd like to call them, are not that common. We start with me making mom drink her vitamins (yes, she shouldn't forget those). She opens the bottles then I put the pills in her mouth. Then, we proceed with my night time bath. Depending on my mood, I sometimes spill the whole tabo of water on my head or I go inside the pail and splash water around me. I also sometimes hold the faucet's tip and send water sprinkling all over the bathroom (which makes mom mad). Mommy then hands me my toothpasted toothbrush and I suck on it. I do sometimes get it right and brush my front teeth correctly. And during good nights, I indulge mom's request and let her brush my teeth (which is very seldom by the way). After the bath, I run butt-naked on our bedroom letting mom chase me to change me into my pyjamas. After this, I watch more TV and only decide to go to sleep when my favorite shows(Capt. Barbell and Majika) are over. I sometimes tell mommy about my day or ask her trivial questions ("Mommy, may airplane o. Takay ako dyan?") and repeat it a couple of times until I get an answer or nod from her. I go milk-snacking by then and hopefully drift off to sleep. If I hadn't afford to sleep after this, I grab mom's pillow, lie directly in front of the electric fan, tell her to switch it on ("Mommy, lectic fan!") and ask for my dantay ("Bigyan mo kong tanday!"). On bad nights though, I cry when mom attempts to bathe me and brush my teeth so she just splashes some water on my face, hands and feet and starts breastfeeding me while she changes me into my pjs. On the other hand, on better nights, I read bedtime stories and pray with her. I also tell her "Alabu!" a couple of times and cuddle with her before falling to sleep. So, what're your bedtime rituals?


posted by Riel @ 3:51 PM   1 comments
Friday, August 18, 2006

I don't know why mommy would say it to me so many times a day. She'd say it when I wake up beside her every morning, when she's giving me a bath, when we're reading and playing and before we go to bed. It's also always coupled with a kiss (on the head, cheek, lips, hands, tummy, I could go on forever). Then last week she explained to me that I should respond to it so when she said "Love you, bebi!" I said "Labu" back. She was so delighted and told everyone she knew about it. ;P

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posted by Riel @ 12:09 PM   3 comments
Friday, August 11, 2006

I so love playing with my marbles these days. Ate Mai was kind enough to give some of hers to me. Mommy was delighted the first time she saw me click on a marble and hit another one. I'm even more proficient in doing this than Ate Rein. I play with them on my bath tub. And I also held them when I went to sleep last night (which is quite weird coz I saw them on the side table when I woke up). Anyway, I just wish they wouldn't disappear under the bed or crib which sometimes happen when I play with them.


posted by Riel @ 11:51 AM   5 comments
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
Davao Adventure

I know this is late but as they say, better late than never. Mommy and I (together with Tita Jhoy and her mom, Tita Oreng) embarked on our much-awaited Davao trip last July 22-26. We arrived 3 hours earlier before our flight coz mom and Tita Jhoy still had to get our e-ticket converted. We're still too early though so I just spent the time snacking on Mom and napping. The flight was uneventful except for when Mom went to the washroom and I cried my lungs out coz I thought she left without saying goodbye. Oh I almost forgot, my lip also bled while I was playing with the collapsable table in front of me. The steward was kind enough to give us ice but I preferred mommy's breast to comfort me.

A jeepney was waiting for us when we arrived at Davao. (I was uncomfortable at first, coz I haven't ridden in one my whole 2 years and 3 months of existence, so I cried but got used to the vehicle eventually). We went straight to Lola Fanny's house for lunch. After that, we went to the Philippine Eagle Center where I saw a lot of well, eagles of course (named Pagasa, Pagkakaisa, Marikit, etc.), other birds, monkeys and deers. The monkeys were especially cute, feeding on each other's lice and playing. We had dinner at Jack's Ridge and the view of the city lights was great. We also visited Lolo Centes' grave before retiring for the day.

Eden Nature park was on our itinerary for Day 2. We stopped by the San Pedro Cathedral first though to hear mass. Mommy bought me an inflatable whale which I later used at the beach. It was fun going around the park where I saw more animals and get to play on their playground. I would've loved swimming there but mom wouldn't allow me coz I just had the fever the day before.

We went to Paradise Island the next day. Mom and Tita Jhoy were planning on going to Pearl Farm but the overnight accomodation was a whopping 3750 bucks. It was ok too since we had an in-land tour and went to a bat cave, Hagimit falls and the old Moncado house. Too bad, I missed the bat cave since I was napping that time but I heard them talking about the bat's population reaching a huge 2.5 million. I would've enjoyed it better if mom allowed me to swim near the falls. Our guide said the water's deep though on that part. But I did enjoy swimming on the beach anyway with mommy and lola and playing on the white sand. We were planning to stay for another day on the island but decided to leave since there was no speed boat available for island hopping. I enjoyed playing my own game of billiards though while mom beats Tita Jhoy on their 8-ball game.

We rested a while after having lunch at home then headed off to Gap farm. I was amused by the ceramic figures of animals, presidents and heroes of the Philippines, minorities, and even creatures of the dark. We also entered a tunnel used during the second world war. But the best part was my horseback riding experience.

And for our last day, we went to the Crocodile Park. I was introduced to Pangil, the largest crocodile in the Philippines with a length of 18 feet. I also get to touch an albino snake and pose with those cute birds. There were also eels available for petting but they were so slippery that mom couldn't hold even one of them still for me to touch. Mom bought t-shirts as souvenirs and even bought me another sword, which I think is broken to pieces now.

It was raining on the afternoon of our departure that we experienced turbulence and the seatbelt sign was mostly on during the flight. I just slept through it though and the next thing I knew, we're back in Manila. I'm looking forward for our next trip next year which mom said would be in Panglao. =)


posted by Riel @ 12:50 PM   3 comments

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Home: Pasig, Philippines
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